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An artist from Santa Catarina (1973), he was born among paints and brushes from his mother’s painting classes. Graduated in Industrial Design / Product Design from PUC-PR (1990-1994), Painting from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (1991-1994) and post-graduated in Marketing Management from INPG-SC (1997-1999) . She worked in large companies in the textile sector in the development of products and fashion collections, which in a way added structural elements to her work.

Comienza su carrera con la pintura identificando a grandes maestros como Matisse, Picasso y Di Cavalcanti, trabajando con el color, lo femenino y la simplificación de líneas.

Los textiles se incorporan poco a poco, bajo la fuerte influencia de sus recuerdos y referencias de la infancia, con todas las prácticas manuales que aprendió de las mujeres de su vida, trabajando la afectividad y las relaciones.

Mi último trabajo

Sobre mí

An artist from Santa Catarina (1973), he was born among paints and brushes from his mother’s painting classes. Graduated in Industrial Design / Product Design from PUC-PR (1990-1994), Painting from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (1991-1994) and post-graduated in Marketing Management from INPG-SC (1997-1999) . She worked in large companies in the textile sector in the development of products and fashion collections, which in a way added structural elements to her work.
Comienza su carrera con la pintura identificando a grandes maestros como Matisse, Picasso y Di Cavalcanti, trabajando con el color, lo femenino y la simplificación de líneas. Los textiles se van incorporando poco a poco, bajo la fuerte influencia de sus recuerdos y referencias infantiles, con todas las prácticas manuales que aprendió de las mujeres de su vida, trabajando la afectividad y las relaciones.

Tiene más de 60 exposiciones individuales y colectivas en su currículo, en Brasil y en el extranjero.
She was part of several artistic collectives, chaired the Sectorial Chamber of Visual Arts / Municipal Council of Culture, participating in several curatorships. She represented Santa Catarina in the Children’s Human Rights Booklet Project with exhibitions in Hungary and Holland. Her works are present in publications and collections inside and outside the country.

Jana Neves Garcia’s works are guided by her feminine gaze and structured by signs and patterns inherited from her experience in the textile industry. Embroidery, crochet and overlapping fabrics add volumes and textures, gradually taking the place of paints. Her work rescues memories and affections, using handicrafts, the source of her ancestry, as a tool of expression and counterpoint to this liquid and accelerated time.


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