o passado, durante a Renascença, era comum os artistas terem nos seus estúdios oficinas de arte onde os seus estudantes e aprendizes pudessem estudar e aperfeiçoar as suas competências no ofício artístico. Com o tempo, embora estes estudantes demonstrassem técnicas utilizadas pelos seus mestres, no entanto, não podiam aceitar ordens ou assinar as suas próprias obras, tendo de o fazer completar os seus cursos e ser admitidos nas suas guildas, legitimando as suas capacidades artísticas.
At the time, the works produced by these students carried the signature of their masters and the denomination of the ?school? of which they had been part and who, as a means of recognition, had in their names the names of these artists, such as ?Leonardo Da Vinci School?, ?Escola de Leonardo Michelangelo ?,? Escola de Caravaggio ?among others.
O meu último trabalho
Sobre Mim
No passado, durante a Renascença, era comum os artistas terem nos seus estúdios oficinas de arte onde os seus estudantes e aprendizes podiam estudar e aperfeiçoar as suas competências no ofício artístico. Com o tempo, embora estes estudantes demonstrassem técnicas utilizadas pelos seus mestres, no entanto, não podiam aceitar encomendas ou assinar as suas próprias obras, tendo de o fazer completar os seus cursos e ser admitidos nas suas guildas, legitimando as suas capacidades artísticas.
At the time, the works produced by these students carried the signature of their masters and the denomination of the ?school? of which they had been part and who, as a means of recognition, had in their names the names of these artists, such as ?Leonardo Da Vinci School?, ?Escola de Leonardo Michelangelo ?,? Escola de Caravaggio ?among others.
Studio Art Inspirada was born inspired by this concept, with the difference that today, through him, who will choose anonymity will be the ones artists who, when part of the Gallery’s collection, will sign, when whatever, with the name ?Studio Art Inspirada? only. The idea is to build with them the opportunity to create things completely different from their original lines of work, but without disrespect their artistic identities, being free to explore and test all your possibilities. Studio Art Inspirada is a shared will, with the intention to show the world all these works, valuing art as it is, pure, without fame, judgments or mentions, giving freedom to their drivers and the privilege of ourselves to organize a project involving the real wishes of all its artists.
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