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AULO LIONETTI was born in SP/SP where he lives and works. He was enchanted by the arts since childhood. Self-taught, however, seeking to improve himself, he takes some courses, among them at APBA (Associação Paulistade Belas Artes), where academic painting and studies with live models were mandatory subjects.

Depuis de nombreuses années, il explore et recherche une grande variété de techniques, de matériaux et de supports dans divers projets artistiques. Attentif aux questions de durabilité, il a fait de son art une voie de recyclage où il utilise du papier jeté dans ses collages.

Mon dernier travail

À propos de moi

PAULO LIONETTI was born in SP/SP where he lives and works. He was enchanted by the arts since childhood. Self-taught, however, seeking to improve himself, he takes some courses, among them at APBA (Associação Paulistade Belas Artes), where academic painting and studies with live models were mandatory subjects.

Depuis de nombreuses années, il explore et recherche une grande variété de techniques, de matériaux et de supports dans divers projets artistiques. Attentif aux questions de durabilité, il a fait de son art une voie de recyclage où il utilise du papier jeté dans ses collages.

  • Oswaldo Goeldi Biennial ? Taubaté/SP 2020/22
    Homage Exhibition “Tarsila in all, collective art” Centro Cultural Capivari/SP – 2022
    Participation with an Exhibition in the Luxus Arts Yearbook – Brazil 2019 /21/22
    Amoris Laetitia – Portugal / Gaia (virtual) simultaneous in-person exhibition at Virginia Sé Gallery in Brazil /SP – 2021
    Instituto Cervantes Cultural Space / International Expo – Wings for Freedom SP/SP ? 2020/21
    Exhibition / Artrilha Auction (virtual) – Brazil 2020
    Jours de réclusion (virtuel) 2020 Brésil
    65th/70/76 Artcom International Cultural Exchange of Arts (virtual) ? 2020 ? International
    Art is Life Exhibition ? Raphael Art Gallery (virtual) ? Brazil ? 2020
    Exhibition Avant Premiere Inclusive Art ? (virtual) ? Brazil ? 2020
    1st Salon of Fine Arts Clodomiro Amazonas in Taubaté/SP 2019
    Exhibition New Views for Mona Lisa – Museum of Industry ? Ce / Fortaleza – 2019
    Home to Harlen – Global Vision Artist Coalition ? USA / NY – 2019
    Inn Gallery SP/SP – 2019
    Culture Line of the S.Paulo Metro (Amazon Collective) SP/SP – 2019
    Expo Art SP Oscar Freire ? SP/ SP – 2019
    Cultural Space CRCSP ? SP/SP – 2018
    Amazon Exhibition – Academia Campinense de Letras ? Campinas /SP – 2018
    OAB Jabaquara Cultural Space ? SP/SP- 2017, 2018
    Licia Simoneti Gallery / Shopping Limeira/SP ? 2015, 2016, 2018
    2nd International Art Gaia Biennial – Gaia/Portugal – 2017
    1st Pyre in the Art of V.Madalena ? SP/SP – 2017
    Mercure Cultural Space ? SP/SP – 2013, 2016, 2017
    Cultural Space Regional Forum of Jabaquara ? SP/SP – 2016, 2017
    Decor Art Shop. Moema ? SP/SP ? 2016
    International Biennial of Guarulhos/SP (Collective Space 308) ? 2014, 2016
    Café com Arte Gallery ? Macaé/RJ – 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
    Unesp Institute of Arts Gallery ? SP/SP – 2015
    Palasi di Terni Piazza della Repubblica / Italy – 2015
    Municipal Museum of Valinhos/SP – 2015
    Cultural Space Tennis Club Campinas/SP ? 2015
    Casa e Móvel Cultural Space ?SP/SP ? 2014, 2015
    Palace Cultural Center ? Ribeirão Preto/SP – 2014
    Culture & Citizenship Gallery – Goiânia/GO – 2014
    Cultural Space El Paso Shopping Brasília/ Asa Norte DF ? 2014
    Great Hall of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara D Oeste/SP – 2014
    São Paulo Cultural Center ? SP/SP ? 2014
    Cultural Space Praça do Carmo ? Olinda/PE – 2014
    Adolpho Bloch House of Culture ? Teresópolis/RJ ? 2014
    Cultural Space R.J. Galeão ? RJ – 2014
    TECAB Cultural Space ? Transpetro- Macaé/RJ – 2013
    Xiclet House Gallery ? SP/SP ? 2013
    MuBE ? SP/SP – Rinomania Brasil 2011, Pandora?s 2012 and CupCake 2013
    Tableau Art and Auctions – SP/SP 2012, 2013
    ICG Culture Space ? RJ/RJ ? 2012, 2013
    Parallel to the Liceu de Artes Biennial ? SP/SP ? 2012
    V Art Week of the Paraíba Valley ? Taubaté/SP (Expo/Performance) ? 2012
    Martha Watts Cultural Center ? Piracicaba/SP 2011, 2012
    Camarista Meyer Gallery ? UCAM – RJ/RJ 2012
    Saldanha da Gama Cultural Space – Vitória/ES 2012
    Paulista Association of Fine Arts – SP/SP, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
    Cultural Palace Júlio Guerra-Casa Amarela ? SP/SP 2012
    Luiz de Queiroz Museum of Arts Esalq USP ? Piracicaba/SP 2011
    Casa Cor / Espaço Casa Talento ? SP/SP 2011
    Mogi Guaçu Cultural Center ? Mogi Guaçu/SP 2011
    Raul Cortez Cultural Center ? Mongaguá/SP 2011
    Pagu Cultural Workshop ? Santos/SP 2011
    Espace culturel Conjunto Nacional Av. Paulista /SP/SP 2010
    Espace culturel général/SP/SP 2010
    Space Quatá V.Olimpia/SP/SP (Expo/Homage received and Performance) 2010
    Espaço de Artes-Mart Center/SP/SP ? (Expo and Performance) 2010
    Hôtel de ville d'Osasco/SP 2010
    Cultural Space B. Monteiro Lobato ? Osasco/SP 2010
    Municipal Cultural Center of Taubaté/SP 2010
    Casa do Lago Cultural Space – Unicamp Campinas/SP 2010
    Carte Diadema/SP 2010
    Hall Audi. Foot. Orlando Gambi-AP.Communication Network ? Aparecida/SP 2010
    Centro Conv. Cultural Carlos Gomes ? Campinas/SP 2010
    Noble Hall of Santana de Parnaíba/SP City Hall 2010
    City Hall of São Paulo/SP 2009
    Espace culturel Shopping Light/SP/SP 2009
    Cultural Space U.M.S.B.C. and PPT – SBC/SP 2009, 2010
    Espace culturel-Ecemar/RJ 2009
    Espace culturel G.T. Barueri/SP 2009
    Centre culturel Colorado-Suzano/SP 2009
    Cultural Space H.S.E. Campos do Jordão/SP 2009
    Espace culturel de Castelo de Vide/Portugal 2008, 2009
    Forte S.Francisco – Chaves /Portugal 2008, 2009
    Maison du Portugal/SP/SP 2008. 2009
    Espace culturel AF-S.C.Sul/SP 2008, 2009
    Imes -S.C.Sul/SP 2008
    Dubai International Exhibition Center ? United Arab Emirates/Dubai (Gold Medal) 2008
    Espace culturel Shopping Raposo/SP/SP, 2004, 2005
    Galerie Finarte/SP/SP, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007
  • Arte Colagem ? Reciclando papéis? – Linha da Cultura do Metrô de São Paulo ? SP/SP 2019
  • ?Arte Sustentável? ? IV Ethos ? Campus da FAM ? SP/SP 2019
  • ?A Dança das Cores? – Espaço Cultural Conjunto Nacional ? SP/SP 2013 curadoria Valkiria Iacocca
  • ?O Mistério das Cores? – Espaço Cultural Solar da Viscondessa de Tremembé ? SP/Taubaté 2013 curadoria Lani Goeldi


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Téléphone : +351 926553013
Adresse : R. João Maldonado Centeno 7 Loja B, 8600-512 Lagos

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